About Us
Erik Smith and Scott Smith are avid football fans. We were teenagers when we created our first version of Pizza Box Football during a Thanksgiving vacation visiting our grandparents. Since then, we have shared the game with family and with friends, even forming a league in Kosovo when Scott took the game with him to Europe.
We’re die-hard Philadelphia Eagles fans who have finally seen them win a football championship in our lifetimes. Despite the long wait (or because of it) we decided to get inside the game and see what really made play calling work.
At its most basic, a football coach has to decide on a given play whether to run or pass. The coach will have many factors weighing upon his decision:
- The score in the game
- The down and distance
- What he thinks the defense is going to do
- How lucky he feels
We wanted to create a football game that put all of the intensity (and
fun!) of head-to-head competition into each play. But we wanted it to
be statistically accurate and work in all situations. That is why when
you roll the dice in Pizza Box Football, you earn every yard.