Pizza Box Football
For 1 or 2 Players, Ages 12 through Adult.
Click the link to see
the rules of the game.
Pizza Box Football
is shaped like a pizza box... and it opens up into a
head-to-head football strategy game designed to offer all the
intensity of real football in every play. Players unfold the
game board (the field) and lay it inside the unfolded pizza box.
The cards guide the players as they play and show the players
which dice to roll. Players must apply football strategy in order to win (when to run, when to short pass, when to long pass and when to try to fool the other team). Pizza Box Football lets players feel like a coach, a player and a fan all at once. Its robust, statistically accurate play satisfies even the most demanding football fanatic while remaining accessible enough for the younger or casual fan. Four game options let opponents play for 5 minutes or an hour, they decide. Contents: 1 game board, 5 play cards, 13 color pegs, 13 dice, 1 instruction booklet, 1 stat sheet tablet. For 1 or 2 players. Made in the USA, this game's clever design allows it to pack up into its pizza box, and yet it is sturdy enough for play anywhere.